github history cleaner

GitHub History Cleaner

A one click solution to clean up your GitHub project history.

GitHub History Cleaner is a tool that allows you to clean up your GitHub history. As executed workflows, deployments, releases, packages, and other artifacts accumulate.
  • Reducing the risk of exposing sensitive data or secrets by purging workflow runs that may contain them.
  • Freeing up storage space on your repository by deleting old or unnecessary workflow artifacts and logs.
  • Simplify or organize your GitHub user interface by removing old or unnecessary workflow runs, deployments, etc.
  • Freeing up old deployment history that is no longer needed.

GitHub History Cleaner

This tool will help you clean up your GitHub history by deleting all workflow runs, deployments, releases, packages, and other.
The application needs a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) to be able to delete your history. However, your GitHub Personal Access Token will never be stored.

If you want to learn more about how we use your token, please see how we use your token in our GitHub repository.

How to create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) ?

The PAT should have the "repo" scope, with "Full control of private repositories", which grants access to all repositories associated with your GitHub account. It ensures that your project can interact with all repositories, including fetching private repositories, and performing other necessary operations.

Delete all workflow runs history.

Delete all deployment history.